Effective troubleshooting is essential in the field of Linux server management for upholding reliability, maximising efficiency, and guaranteeing security. Having a solid understanding of fundamental command-line tools can enable system administrators to quickly identify and fix problems. This is a thorough guide to the top 50 Linux commands that are essential for troubleshooting that any server administrator should know.
System Monitoring and Performance
- top: Real-time overview of system processes, CPU, and memory usage.
2. htop: Interactive process viewer with detailed system resource usage.
3. vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics.
vmstat 1
4. iostat: Report CPU and I/O statistics.
iostat -x 1
5. netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics.
netstat -an
6. df: Report file system disk space usage.
df -h
7. du: Estimate file space usage.
du -sh /path/to/directory
8. fdisk: Partition table manipulator.
sudo fdisk -l
9. fsck: File system consistency check and repair.
sudo fsck /dev/sda1
Network Troubleshooting
10. ping: Test a network connection to a host.
ping google.com
11. traceroute: Print the route packets take to a network host.
traceroute google.com
12. tcpdump: Capture and analyze network packets.
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -nn -s0 -v -w /tmp/capture.pcap
13. ss: Utility to investigate sockets.
ss -tuln
Process Management
14. ps: Report a snapshot of current processes.
ps aux | grep nginx
15. kill: Send a signal to a process.
kill -9 PID
16. pgrep: List processes based on name.
pgrep nginx
System Logs and Monitoring
17. journalctl: Query the systemd journal.
journalctl -xe
18. dmesg: Print or control the kernel ring buffer.
dmesg | tail
19. tail: Output the last part of files.
tail -f /var/log/syslog
Security and Access Control
- iptables: Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT.
sudo iptables -L
21. firewalld: Firewall daemon with D-Bus interface.
sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
22. sshd: OpenSSH daemon configuration.
systemctl status sshd
System Maintenance and Configuration
- systemctl: Control the systemd system and service manager.
systemctl status apache2
24. sysctl: Configure kernel parameters at runtime.
sysctl: Configure kernel parameters at runtime.
25. lsof: List open files and processes.
lsof -i :80
Package Management
26. apt: Package management utility for Debian-based systems.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
27. yum: Package management utility for RPM-based systems.
sudo yum update
User and Group Management
28. useradd: Create a new user or update default new user information.
sudo useradd -m username
29. usermod: Modify a user account.
sudo usermod -aG sudo username
30. groupadd: Create a new group.
sudo groupadd newgroup
Backup and Restore
31. tar: Archive utility.
tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory
32. rsync: Remote file and directory synchronization.
rsync -avz /local/path user@remote:/remote/path
System Performance Tuning
33. nice: Run a program with modified scheduling priority.
nice -n 19 command
34. renice: Alter priority of running processes.
renice +10 PID
Text Processing and Searching
35. grep: Print lines matching a pattern.
grep "error" /var/log/syslog
36. awk: Pattern scanning and processing language.
awk '{print $1}' /var/log/auth.log
37. sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt
File and Directory Operations
38.mkdir: Make directories.
mkdir /path/to/directory
39.rm: Remove files or directories.
rm -rf /path/to/file
40. cp: Copy files and directories.
cp file.txt /path/to/destination
System Information
41. uname: Print system information.
uname -a
42. hostname: Print or set the system’s hostname.
Package Installation and Management
43. apt-get: APT package handling utility (legacy).
sudo apt-get install package_name
44. dpkg: Debian package manager.
dpkg -i package.deb
Process Control
45. killall: Kill processes by name.
killall -9 process_name
46. pstree: Display a tree of processes.
Network Administration
47. ifconfig: Configure a network interface.
ifconfig eth0 up
48. route: Show/manipulate the IP routing table.
route -n
File Permissions
49. chmod: Change file mode bits.
chmod 755 file.txt
50. chown: Change file owner and group.
chown user:group file.txt