To display the bottom of an application, utilise the BottonNavigationBar widget. Depending on how the programme is designed, it may have a variety of elements such as text, icons, or both that point in different directions. Its purpose is to facilitate the user’s navigation to various portions of the programme as a whole.
- hashCode: The hash code for this object.
- key: Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
- runtimeType: A representation of the runtime type of the object.
- backgrounColor: The color of the BottomNavigationBar itself.
- elevation: The z-coordinate of this BottomNavigationBar.
- fixedColor: The z-coordinate of this BottomNavigationBar.
- items: Defines the appearance of the button items that are arrayed within the bottom navigation bar.
- onTap: Called when one of the items is tapped.
- currentIndex: This property takes an int value as the object to assign index t the items.
- fixedColor: This property takes in Color class as the object to assign a fixed value to the SelectedItemColor.
- iconSize: It takes a double value as the object to determine the size of all the icons in the BottomNavigationBar.
- mouseCursor: The mouseCursor property takes MouseCursor class as the object. It determines the type of cursor this widget will have.
- selectedFontSize: This property controls the font size in the BottomNavigationBar when the items are selected. It takes a double value as the object.
- selectedIcontheme: This property holds IconThemeData class as the object to controls the appearance of the icons this widget when it is selected.
- selectedIconColor: This property determines the color of the icons inside this widget will hold when they are selected. This property takes Color class as the property.
- selectedLabelStyle: TextStyle class is the object assigned to this property which controls the text style at the instance of selection.
- showSelectedLabele: This property takes a boolean value as the object to determine whether or not the labels for the unselected item will be shown.
- showUnselectedLabels: This property also takes in a boolean value as the object to determine whether or not the labels for selected items will be shown.
- type: The type property controls the behaviour and the layout of the BottomNavigationBar. It takesBottomNavigationBarType enum as the object.
- unselectedFontSize: This property also takes a double value as e object to determine the size of font when the item is not selected.
- unselectedIconTheme: This property also holds IconThemeData class as the object to controls the appearance of the icons this widget when it is unselected or not selected.
- unselectedItemColor: This property determines the color the icons inside this widget will hold when they are unselected. This property takes Color class as the property.
- unselectedLabelStyle:Ā TextStyleĀ class is the object assigned to this property which controls the text style when the item is unselected.