Flutter pub get version solving failed

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A mismatch between the Dart SDK version installed on your machine and the version indicated in your pubspec.yaml file is usually the cause of the error “Flutter pub get version solving failed”.

You must change the Dart SDK version in your pubspec.yaml file to correspond with the version that is installed on your computer in order to fix this problem. Entering dart –version into your terminal will provide the version of the Dart SDK.

This is how your pubspec.yaml file should appear:

On your system 23, replace 2.12.0 with the version of the Dart SDK that is installed.

Try running flutter clean and then flutter pub get again if the issue still doesn’t go away. This will clear the build cache on your system and reload the packages 3.

Additionally, confirm that the flutter pub get command is being executed from your project directory rather than the flutter/bin directory.

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