What is WSL ?
Windows Subsystem for Linux is referred to as WSL. Without the requirement for virtualization or dual-booting, you can run a Linux distribution directly on a Windows computer thanks to a compatibility layer in Windows.
How to Install and Configure?
Open ubuntu
Step 1: Open Ubuntu on your local
mkdir docker_learning
Step 2: Donwnload Xampp
Step 3 : Run the below given command
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP%20Linux/8.2.4/xampp-linux-x64-8.2.4-0-installer.run

Step 4 : Run below code for permission
sudo -s
Step 5: Run: below code -> (This will give the executable permission to the installer file that you downloaded in step 2)
chmod 755 xampp-linux-x64-8.2.4-0-installer.run
Step 6 : Run: below command (This will start the installation)
sudo ./xampp-linux-x64-8.2.4-0-installer.run

Step 7: Run/ Start XAMPP server
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

Step 8 : 7. Lets set password for access the phpmyadmin
sudo /opt/lampp/xampp security

Step 9 : 8. Restart XAMPP:
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
Step 10 : Letās access phpmyadmin again and see if it is asking for the password:

Now access the phpmyadmin

I hope you find this installation method useful