Required package “laravel/framework” is in the lock file as “v5.5.50” but that does not satisfy your constraint “^10.10”.

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- Required package "laravel/framework" is in the lock file as "v5.5.50" but that does not satisfy your constraint "^10.10".
- Required package "laravel/tinker" is in the lock file as "v1.0.10" but that does not satisfy your constraint "^2.8".
- Required package "lcobucci/jwt" is in the lock file as "3.3.3" but that does not satisfy your constraint "4.0".
- Required package "paragonie/random_compat" is in the lock file as "v2.0.20" but that does not satisfy your constraint "^9.99.1".
- Required package "laravel/ui" is not present in the lock file.
- Required (in require-dev) package "mockery/mockery" is in the lock file as "1.3.4" but that does not satisfy your constraint "^1.4.4".
- Required (in require-dev) package "phpunit/phpunit" is in the lock file as "6.5.14" but that does not satisfy your constraint "^10.4.2".
This usually happens when composer files are incorrectly merged or the composer.json file is manually edited.
Read more about correctly resolving merge conflicts
and prefer using the "require" command over editing the composer.json file directly


Step 1 : Please update you composer for this command

composer update

Step 2 : Run this command on your project

composer require laravel/helpers

After run again composer update

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